International Symposium
France-Japan Area Studies Forum
1st-3rd December 2017

France-Japan Area Studies Forum
1st-3rd December 2017
[International Symposium]
France-Japan Area Studies Forum
Today a number of issues such as environmental destruction, the loss of biodiversity, increasing frequency of natural disasters, threat of infectious diseases, lack of food and energy, radicalization leading to terrorism and the diffusion of conflict are being discussed through various different channels of the media. Amid the anticipation of a significant change going forward in the geopolitical balance in the world order reflecting these problems, Africa is attracting attention. Political, economical and social situations in Africa have changed to a great extent, and the oscillation of such changes has been increasing year by year. It is estimated that the world population will reach 10.8 billion by 2050, and of which the population in Africa will account for approximately one fourth of this. The picture of the future that we draw will be largely different, depending on whether Africa becomes a risk factor for the problems described above or the key to the further development. Given these rapid changes surrounding Africa today, we have planned this international symposium, titled “Voices for the future: African Area Studies in a globalizing world”. The symposium is composed of five panels, each of which is organized by excellent young researchers, who were dispatched to the affiliated institutions of Kyoto University to conduct joint research there. Additionally we will have poster presentations by promising young scholars. We are having high hope that the symposium will trailblaze the new research paradigm of African Area Studies in a globalizing world. The symposium will be held at 3rd floor, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building, Kyoto University in 1st-3rd December 2017.
Date:1st-3rd December 2017
Venue:3rd floor, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building, Kyoto University
〇 Schedule of 1st December
“New Spatiality on Asian and African Area Studies”
1st Dec(fri)
- 9:30-10:00 Registration
- 10:00-10:30 Welcome Session
- 10:30-11:50 Panel 1: Religious encounters and area studies
- 11:50-12:50 Lunch
- 12:50-14:20 Panel 2: Diffusionism revisited
- 14:20-14:30 Break
- 14:30-15:50 Panel 3: Economic dimensions of area studies
- 15:50-16:00 Break
- 16:00-17:40 Panel 4: Area studies in tension
- 18:00-19:00 Talk Time
〇 Participants of each panel (tentative)
Opening remarks : Juichi Yamagiwa (President, Kyoto University)
Introduction : Rémy Bazenguissa-Ganga (IMAF-EHESS) and Masayoshi Shigeta (Kyoto University)
Panel 1
Panel title: Religious encounters and areas studies
- 【Speaker 1】 Kadya Tall (IMAF-EHESS)
Presentation Title:
Asian presence in the religious sphere in West Africa: Some observations from Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Benin
- 【Speaker 2】 Eloi Ficquet (EHESS-CéSor)
Presentation Title:
Some observations on long-distance interactions in the history of Islam and the models they can provide for understanding Africa-Asia relations
*Discussant: Masataka Tanaka (Otani University)
Panel 2
Panel title: Diffusionism revisited
- 【Speaker 1】 Frédéric Joulian (CNE-EHESS), Yann-Philippe Tastevin (LISST-CNRS)
Presentation Title:
Wood and engines: Elementary actions on matter and transfers of know-how
between cultures.
ABSTRACT - 【Speaker 2】 Olivier P. Gosselain (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Presentation Title:
Young, wealthy, and beautiful: A multiscalar history of Asian enamelware in West Africa
*Discussant: Masayoshi Shigeta (Kyoto University) & Morie Kaneko (Kyoto University)
Panel 3
Panel title: The economic dimensions of area studies
- 【Speaker 1】 Marin Ferry (DIAL-Paris 9-Dauphine)
Presentation Title:
Post-debt relief financing: A focus on the Asian-African partnership
ABSTRACT - 【Speaker 2】 Kae Amo (FFJ-IMAF-EHESS)
Presentation Title:
Japanese humanitarian workers in Senegal: The cases of JICA volunteers.
*Discussant: Motoki Takahashi (Kyoto University)
Panel 4
Panel title:Areas studies in tension
- 【Speaker 1】 Facil Tesfaye (African Studies Programme, The University of Hong Kong)
Presentation Title:
Circulation of medical knowledge in the Indian Ocean World: The Ethiopian example
ABSTRACT - 【Speaker 2】 Pascale Rabault-Feuerhahn (UMR Pays germaniques-Transferts culturels, CNRS-ENS)
Presentation Title:
African studies and Oriental studies:
Intermingling and disciplinary divide through the prism of the history of international scientific congresses
ABSTRACT - 【Speaker 3】 Rémy Bazenguissa-Ganga (IMAF-EHESS)
Presentation Title:
Tenrikyo, Japanese presence-absence in Congo-Brazzaville
*Discussant: Akira Takada (Kyoto University)
〇 Schedule of 2nd-3rd December
“Voices for the Future: African Area Studies in a Globalizing World”
2nd Dec(Sat)
- 9:00~9:30: Registration
- 9:30~10:00: Introduction (A. Takada)
- 10:00~12:00: Panel 1
- 12:00~13:30: Lunch; Core time of Poster Session
- 13:30~15:30: Panel 2
- 15:30~16:00: Break
- 16:00~18:00: Panel 3
- 18:00~20:00: Reception
* After the reception, participants are encouraged to enjoy further chatting at any place.
3rd Dec(Sun)
- 9:30~10:00: Registration
- 10:00~12:00: Panel 4
- 12:00~13:30: Lunch; Core time of Poster Session
- 13:30~15:30: Panel 5
- 15:30~16:00: Closing Session
〇 Participants of each panel (tentative)
Panel 1 (Organizer: Shinichiro Ichino)
Panel title: How does long-term field study contribute to biodiversity conservation in Madagascar?
- 【Speaker 1】 Tojotanjona Razanaparany (PhD student, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
Presentation Title:
Research and conservation on biodiversity in dry forest, nothwestern of Madagascar
*Discussant: Hiroki Sato (Assistant Professor, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
*Discussant: Takayo Soma (CAAS, Kyoto University)
- 【Speaker 2】Shinichiro Ichino (Research Fellow, CAAS, Kyoto University)
Presentation Title:
Potential of small forest: long-term field study and biodiversity conservation at Berenty Reserve, southern Madagascar
*Discussant: Felix Rakotondraparany (Associate Professor, Department of Science, University of Antananarivo)
- 【Speaker 3】 Hajanirina Rakotomanana (Professor, Department of Science, University of Antananarivo)
Presentation Title:
Twenty-year development of zoological and botanical research topics in the University of Antananarivo: implication for future challenges of biodiversity conservation
*Discussant: Gen Yamakoshi (Associate Professor, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
Panel 2 (Organizer: Koji Sonoda)
Panel Title: Child Socialization and Learning Environment in Africa
- 【Speaker 1】 Koji Sonoda (Research Fellow, CAAS, Kyoto University)
Presentation Title:
Language Socialization among Baka children in eastern Cameroon
- 【Speaker 2】 Xiaojie Tian (Research Fellow, Tsukuba International Academy for Sports Studies (TIAS), Tsukuba University)
Presentation Title:
Weaving the Landscape of People-Cattle in Savanna: From the Daily Practices of Maasai Children in Southern Kenya
- 【Speaker 3】 Miku Ito (Assistant Professor, Institute for Regional Promotion, University of Hyogo)
Presentation Title:
Koranic School in Djenne, Mali
*General Discussant : Tuhinul Islam Khalil (The University of Edinburgh)
*General Discussant : Olivier Gosselain(Université libre de Bruxelles)
Panel 3 (Organizer: Haruka Arii)
Panel title: The relationships between women’s life courses and school education
- 【Speaker 1】 Haruka Arii (Research Fellow, CAAS, Kyoto University)
Presentation Title:
Reconsidering women’s life: Personal narratives of girl’s education and gender relations in Maale, southwestern Ethiopia
- 【Speaker 2】 Aynalem Megersa (Assistant professor, Center for Gender studies, Addis Ababa University)
Presentation Title:
Rural women’s employment and marriage: The case of Sebeta Hawas woreda, central Oromia, Ethiopia
- 【Speker 3】Gebre Yntiso (Professor, Addis Ababa University/President, Jinka University)
Presentation Title:
Women’s access to higher education in Ethiopia: The participation of female students in two institutes of technology
*Discussant: Morie Kaneko (Associate Professor, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
Panel 4 (Organizer: Junko Maruyama)
Panel Title: Land issues, Local livelihood, and Nature Conservation in Africa
- 【Speaker 1】 Kariuki Kirigia (Ph.D Candidate, Department of Anthropology, McGill University)
Presentation Title:
Privatisation in the Postcolony-Land subdivision and its implications for pastoral livelihoods and biodiversity conservation in Narok County, Kenya.
- 【Speaker 2】Junko Maruyama (Associate Professor, Department of International and Cultural Studies, Tsuda University)
Presentation Title:
Nature conservation, land access and economic disparities among the San hunter-gathers in Southern Africa
- 【Speaker 3】Yukino Iwai (Associate Professor, The Hirayama Ikuo Volunteer Center, Waseda University)
Presentation Title:
Continuous Land Loss: Wildlife Management Area in Tanzania as Green Grab
- 【Speaker 4】John G. Galaty (Professor, Department of Anthropology, McGill University)Presentation Title:
Conservation Landscapes in East Africa
Panel 5(Organizer: Yanyin Zi)
Panel Title: Bridging African Economic and Social Relationalities at the Regional, Transnational, and Global Scales
- 【Speaker 1】Shingo Takamura (Ph.D. Candidate, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
Presentation Title:
Functions and structures of the periodic market system in the Northeastern Congo.
- 【Speaker 2】 Peter Dannenberg ( Professor, Department of Human Geography , University of Cologne)
Presentation Title:
How value chain conditions influence the effectiveness of ICTs on the integration of East African farmers
- 【Speaker 3】 Yanyin Zi (Research Fellow, CAAS, Kyoto University)
Presentation Title:
Challenges and Opportunities for Chinese Business Upgrades in Botswana
- 【Speaker 4】 Sayaka Ogawa (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
Presentation Title:
The logic of “open reciprocity” in the business practice and communality of Tanzanian traders in China and Hong Kong: with the special reference to the used car trading through the crowdfunding
*General Discussant : Rémy Bazenguissa-Ganga (Professor, EHESS-IMAF)
*General Discussant : Peter Dannenberg ( Professor, Department of Human Geography , University of Cologne)
Poster Session
- Ryoma OTSUKA (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
Title: The Effectiveness and Challenges of Human-Gorilla Conflict Resolution Program (HUGO) In Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda
- Azeb Girmai (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
Title: Tourism as a sustainable livelihood diversification option: A case study in South Omo Zone, Ethiopia
- Hitomi Kirikoshi (African Studies Center, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Title: Commercial Network Built on Distribution System of Kola in West Africa
- Miki Yoshizumi (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
Title: Caregiving to Children with Disabilities in Rural Area:Case Studies of an Organization in Samburu County, Kenya
- Aya Yokotsuka (Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
Title: How Local Perceptions of Bonobos Become Diversified: Comparison Between Inside And Outside of Luo Scientific Reserve, DR-Congo
- Mareyuki Ebata-Okubo (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
Title: Coexistence of different religious traditions in Doany worship: A case of the sacred site Mangabe in the Central Highlands, Madagascar
- Haregewoin Bekele Mekonnen (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
Title: The social and cultural perspectives of solid waste management in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Kyeri KIM (GSIAS, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Title: Reflecting Afro-Brazilian Diaspora: Candomblé and Umbanda
- Nuri Jeon (Graduate School of International Area Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)
Title: The Modernization of the African Traditional Festival: In the case of the Reed Dance (Umhlanga) in Swaziland
- Kikuko Sakai 1, Shoko Suzuki 1, Yasuaki Sato 2, Makoto Nishi 1 (1Kyoto University; 2Osaka Sangyo University)
Title: Community Response To Nodding Syndrome In Northern Uganda
- Mamadou Sadio Diallo (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
Title: Social Impact of Ebola Epidemic on Local Communities in Guinea
- Ran Muratsu (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
Title: Witches and Demonic Possession: A Case of the New Church in Sud-Benin
【Hosted by】
– “Network formation for reconstructing the paradigm of African Area Studies in a globalizing world” for the JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers (PI: Jun Ikeno)